Brancusi's Sewing Box & Other works by Coracle Press
An illustrated catalogue for an arrangement at MAT Nagoya, Japan in the Minatomachi Potluck Building from September 22nd - October 23rd 2017 presenting the work of three artists against the backdrop of Brancusi's sensibility of art and the everyday.
Introduction: "'Brancusi's Sewing Box & Other Works' is an extension of some recent books and related work from Coracle by Erica Van Horn and Simon Cutts, and new work made by Eiji Watanabe.
"The titlework is a remaking by Eiji Wtanabe of some of the domestic objects of the sculptor Constantin Brancusi, used in his studio in Paris between 1923 and 1957. Towards the end of that period, they were given to his friends Alexandre Istrati and Natalie Dumitresco, around 1947. They in turn, continued to use them in their daily life. Eventually all these implements were put up for sale at the auction house Artcurail in Paris in late 2010. …
"The clarity of these domestic objects endures, whatever disregard their presence engendered in the saleroom. They too are pure sculpture, and exist with the disposition of Brancusi's sensibility, his way of life, of having been made and used by him. We must remember that Brancusi said that 'All Sculpture is furniture!'"
Processes, Dimensions, and Edition Information
Arrangement by Eiji Watanabe, Simon Cutts, Erica Van Horn & Coracle
Clonmel, Tipperary, Ireland: Coracle, 2016. Unstated.5.9 x 5.25"; 36 pages. Digital in color. Softcover with flaps. Saddle stitch (stapled) binding.