Driven Out, Ditched, and Deserted by Coracle Press
"My notebooks trace the interaction between drawing and its subject, the way it can inflect on it its own language, and conversely, the way a drawing interprets a subject as its own vernacular. In a monotone drawing everything is pushed to one extremity or another. The subject, striving to remain legible, contrives dialect for the drawing: hash-marking to suggest middle tones and outline where details would otherwise have been washed out. These contrivances are mental constructions, quite alien to the world of the eye.
"The subjects I'm drawn to in my projects are Trees/Lines, of power lines and telephone poles amongst groups of trees, or Drive-Out, Ditched and Deserted, of cars abandoned in the wilderness, and the yet unnamed project of Army tanks that decorate the lawns of urban and suburban VFW meeting houses.
"Drawn on location in ink, this book is as much a document of abandoned cars I've found while hiking in the woods of northern New England as it is a record of drawing decisions. The cars, abandoned along old logging grounds, ditched down ravines, driven in up to their wheel-wells in sandpits, burned and bullet-ridden, and left to disintegrate and then integrate into nature, are a dear armature for my work which tracts the edge where mark-making and legible image merge." - Jason Clark, statement
Jason Clark graduated from Massachusetts College of Art. He currently resides in Vermont.
Processes, Dimensions, and Edition Information
By Jason Clark
Ballybeg, Grange, Clonmel, Tipperary, Ireland: Coracle, 2008. Edition of 300.
5.125 x 6.75"; 36 pages. Offset interior with letterpress cover. Drawings and postscript by Jason Clark. Introductory poem "Autobahn Children" by Cralan Kelder. Number three in the flaps poetry series