one in 100 by Bionic Hearing Press
Colophon: “Book & text by Aimee Lee for Bionic Hearing Press, made at Oak Spring Garden Foundation (VA). All paper for leaves made by Michelle Li. Covers by Aimee with help from Michelle. Front insert on calligraphy practice paper by Shim Flyeon-seop and Aimee.”
Aimee Lee: “This book is about meeting an Oberlin student and watching them grow through papermaking. Most of the paper in the book is made by that student; includes an insert by the artist's teacher in Korea and herself to show previous iterations of the student/teacher abilities. The willingness of teachers and students to share space and time to change each other leads to many possibilities and eventually prepares the student to develop their own voice and vocation.”
Each leaf in this book has written on the verso side the date and place created. A lovely sampling of multiple types of handmade paper with different textures, colors, and fibers visible.
Processes, Dimensions, and Edition Information
By Aimee Lee
Cleveland, Ohio: Bionic Hearing Press, 2024. One-of-a-Kind.
Pen on handmade paper, ink on paper, thread. 5.5 x 4.25 x 1.5" closed, 8.75" wide open (insert 12.1 x 25.5" opened). 18 leaves with handsewn binding. Signed by Lee on the colophon insert.