Shell Games by Byopia Press
"Shell Games was inspired by three human tendencies: our apparent attraction to pretty things, to game playing, and our frequent disregard for consequences. The structure (a multi-layered clamshell box) and the inclusion of mother-of-pearl objects echo the subject matter of the small book at the heart of the work." - Cathryn Miller
A short personal essay that links mother's warmth, children's games, gambling, and unforeseen – or ignored – ecological consequences.
Text excerpt: "The large-scale harvesting of shells occurs for two reasons: gathering of live specimens for sale to collectors, and bulk harvesting for the production of mother-of-pearl. The mass removal of single species and the use of drag nets for bulk harvesting can both cause ecological problems."
Processes, Dimensions, and Edition Information
By Cathryn Miller
Grasswood, Saskatchewan, Canada: Byopia Press, 2010.
Edition of 6.
2.75 x 3.25"; 12 pages. Laser printed on acid-free paper. Type: Euphemia UCAS. Pamphlet bound. Blue paper wrapper with button and thread closure. Laid in a 3.75 x 4.25 x 1.75" multiple-layer clamshell box. Ornamented with antique mother-of-pearl buttons. Materials: paper, book board, antique mother-of-pearl buttons, gaming chip, 80# acid-free 100% recycled text paper, cotton cord, linen cord.