Words make the Infinite Finite (VI) by Romano Hänni
"Work on this folding book (leporello), began in September 2014, was interrupted by commissioned work , and lasted until April 2015. Folding book means that the pages at the front and at the binding are only folded. After removing the book jacket the twelve pages of the content can be folded into one strip. A standard edition, 187 copies, and a special unikat edition, 50 books, was made. The unikat edition houses together with the standard edition in a slipcase.
"Preparation of the printing form. Handcomposing with lead type, synthetic type, brass lines and geometrical signs. Every printing form is composed with single pieces.
"Print: Letterpress, hand proofing press, four-color.
"Unikat edition (50 books). Made from proofs and superimpositions from selected printing forms, numbered 1 to 50. Each page and each book is unique.
"Standard edition (187 copies). Numbers 1 to 50 in slipcase together with the unikat edition. Numbers 51 to 187 as single books available only. Supplement: folded six page paper with title, imprint and book number. Number of printing runs for the bookjacket: 9 (books number 1 to 50), 10 (book number 51 to 187). Two printed sheets content pages: 24 printing forms, 25 printing runs.
"Slipcase (50 pieces). Each slipcase contains one book of the unikat edition and one book of the standard edition. Supplement to each edition: folded six page paper (composed by hand, printed in letterpress) with title, imprint and book number, such as a twelve page booklet with pictures from the work process (the booklet was produced from digital data in inkjet print).
"Book cover. Mill board, gr, satin, 100 percent recovered paper, 1.5 mm
"Paper for bookjacket and content. Daunendruck (down print) Natural 1.5, 150 g/m2. Special mat and rought, natural white, woodfree." - Romano Hänni, information booklet
Processes, Dimensions, and Edition Information
Basel, Switzerland: Studio for Design, 2015. Standard Edition of 187 copies; Unikat Edition of 50 copies.
3.25 x 4.75"; 10 pages. Leporello structure. Hand composed and handprinted in four colors: black, red, blue, and yellow. Striped paper band closure. Numbered. Text in German and English.