Colors of Memory by Memory Press
Maria Pisano: "'Colors of Memory' presents four environments that echo transformative experiences as both observer and participant. The books, 'Primavera, 'Estate', 'Autunno' and 'Inverno', with their accompanying poems, resonate with patterns that span one's lifetime alongside the natural patterns of the seasons. Each season is a marker, a passage, beginning with 'Primavera', a time of discovery and self-awareness and ending with 'Inverno', a time of fragility, loss and death."
"Primavera' is a haiku written by Michael Pisano. The other poems for "Estate", "Autunno" and "Inverno" written by Maria G. Pisano.
Processes, Dimensions, and Edition Information
By Maria G. Pisano
Plainsboro, New Jersey: Memory Press, 2014. Edition of 10.6.5 x 6.5 x 2" box containing four accordion books, each measuring 6 x 29" when extended. Relief printed on an etching press from a combination of collagraph and laser cut woodblock plates on Rives BFK. Includes addition of pochoir in "Estate". Cherry wood box with laser cut title and designs. Designed, printed and bound by the artist. Signed and numbered by the artist.