collaborative book between book artists Nance O'Banion of Permanent Press and Casey Gardner of Set in Motion Press.
Casey Gardner: "This book features diverse, interrelated readings of volvelles, cartography, and randomography. This flexible notion of a book with its movable devices, graphical calculations, and swirling windows of chance offers self-propelled encounters with the variables of communication through language and interpretation. HereSay is about how we speak, how we hear, and how we locate ourselves along the dimensions of truth and lie.
"Turning the volvelles offers the reader an opportunity to become a part of interpretive process of meaning by playing with eternal/circular changeability. The mutability of each element on the discs creates a new relationship of the variables. The reader, by revolving through the disks, creates varying 'pages' to be read."Casey Gardner 2017: “I’ve been thinking of the book Nance O’Banion and I made, HereSay, and how it relates to our current state of political calamity. The whole book is about how to locate yourself on the spectrum of truth and lie and how communication can be a landscape of variables depending on who, what, where, when, why and how. The book is a map of words from Truth to half-truth on one axis, and half-truth to lie on the other. Who knew the idea of truth’s subjectivity would become such a pertinent topic, sadly.”
9 x 13” closed, opens to 9 x 27"; one opening plus a volvelle.
Letterpress printed. Interior page has magnetized, removable volvelle structure. Materials: Rives BFK, Canford, book cloth, grommets, rare-earth magnets. Processes: letterpress, xerography, photography, inkjet printing, and color photocopy. Bound in paper-covered boards with cloth spine. Title label on front board. Colophon information printed on back board. Singed and numbered by Gardner and O'Banion. In paper envelope slipcase with tie and grommet closure.